Deadline for Pre-Registration: October 11, 2024
1. Registration Guidelines
  • Pre-Registration is only available online.
  • All participants should complete their registration through the online registration system.
  • Upon registration and full payment, a confirmation letter will be sent to you via email.
  • Registration will be considered incomplete and deleted if payment is not received by the deadline.
2. Registration Rates
Qualification Pre-Registration ~Oct 11 (Fri) On-site Registration After Oct 30 (Thu)
International Participants Domestic Participants International Participants Domestic Participants
Physician USD 200 KRW 200,000 USD 250 KRW 250,000
Resident / Student / Nurse / Technician USD 50 KRW 50,000 USD 50 KRW 50,000
Industries / Others USD 250 KRW 250,000 USD 300 KRW 300,000
Breakfast Seminar USD 20 (Each Day)

※ The registration fee includes Luncheon Seminar.

3. Payment Methods

(1) Bank Transfer

- Please note that all bank remit charges are to be paid by registrants.

  • International Participants
  • Domestic Participants (국내참가자)
Bank Information
Account Number 1081-400-994339
Beneficiary Korean NeuroEndovascular Society
은행명 우리은행
예금주 대한뇌혈관내치료의학회
계좌번호 1005-604-378129

(2) Credit Cards

- Credit card payment is possible during pre-registration.

- For international participants, Visa, MasterCard, JCB, UnionPay are accepted with no issues.

- For domestic participants, most credit cards should work fine for payment.

4. Cancellation Policy

- Please note that refunds are not possible after the pre-registration deadline.

- Refunds will be made after the conference.

- All bank service charges and all administration fees will be deducted from congress registration refunds.

- Registration cancellation must be submitted to the secretariat by email. (

Cancellation Policy Refund
Before the Pre-Registration Deadline 100%
After the Pre-Registration Deadline Not Available